Originally titled A Million and Two, V[R]ignettes is a series comprised of Virtual Reality crafted microstories. Each individual microstory, or vignette, is designed to encourage a kind of ‘narrative smearing’ – where traditional story techniques are truncated and mutated into smears (kinetic actions and mechanics, collage-like layered building blocks, visual distortions, dual-tiered text annotations) which requires a reader to make active choices in order to navigate each microstory space (storybox).
Mez Breeze first started using the Internet in the 1990’s to create digital works and she hasn't slowed since. In 2019, Mez’s VR Series ‘V[R]ignettes’ won the 2019 QUT Digital Literature Award. Mez was also awarded the 2019 Marjorie C. Luesebrink Award which: “…honors a visionary artist who has brought excellence to the field of electronic literature.”
Digital Literature, Virtual Reality, XR Literature, Digital Fiction, Immersive