Dr. Keramet Reiter, Associate Professor, Criminology, Law and Society, UCI
Dr. Naomi Sugie, Associate Professor, Criminology, Law and Society, UCI
Dr. Kristin Turney, Professor, Sociology, UCI
Joanne DeCaro, Doctoral Student, Criminology, Law and Society, UCI
Gabe Rosales, Doctoral Student, Criminology, Law and Society, UCI
UCI PrisonPandemic is a digital archive, built to preserve the stories of people incarcerated in California prisons during the COVID-19 pandemic. The living archive tracks people’s stories across time (with accounts from early 2020 forward) and place (across all 35 California prisons). We collect stories through a collect call hotline, P.O. box, and web submission form, and work with a team of undergraduates to transcribe and catalogue the stories for our website. The project bears witness to what people are experiencing inside our prisons, gives them an opportunity to know people are listening, and brings transparency to the crisis.
Joanne DeCaro is a doctoral candidate in the department of Criminology, Law and Society at UCI. She is a Ford Foundation fellow and a Eugene Cota-Robles fellow. She researches trauma and incarceration, and long-term incarceration. Joanne uses her training in visual journalism and digital humanities to tell narratives of incarceration using multimodal techniques, such as: documentary shorts, photo essays, and digital archives.